<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/204183f8-17fe-4c86-a8c7-887ca0595df5/264d6f5c-3048-447c-83f5-07ddb14b7e8b/LKD_TW.jpg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/204183f8-17fe-4c86-a8c7-887ca0595df5/264d6f5c-3048-447c-83f5-07ddb14b7e8b/LKD_TW.jpg" width="40px" /> founder’s note:
I started dial because I used to go to the gym before school every day.
the only thing that got me out of bed was knowing my friend was going to be there.
we both kept each other accountable. there were also 4 other people in our school that also went in the morning. we would all be so excited when we all made it and saw each other. when someone slept in we checked up on them at school.
we all woke up, got out of that warm bed, and made it to the gym by 5am.
I hope dial captures this and helps bring friendships closer together through working towards something they deeply care about.
after building this for 8 months, I was worried no one was going to use it, you prove otherwise.
I'm glad you are here for the early days.
👋 If you need any support or want to get in touch, here is my contact:
best way to get in touch:
<aside> 👥 [email protected] or https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianyun
other notices
<aside> 💻 when creating posts there is an easter egg where you can create fun drawings on your post through signs, just try creating an arrow in your post or a heart (+500 more to discover)
I wish you the best, christian yun